Edit Store Hours

Unavailable for certain hours or days? Update your customer using Vivify.

Step 1

Tap on Social then Store.

Tap on Edit Hours.

Step 2.1

Tap on the desired date.

Change operation time on the date selected by choosing a new start and end time by tapping Choose Start Time and Choose End Time.

Then tap on Submit

Note: If you have made incorrect changes and would like to remove the changes made, please contact Vivify or your key account manager.

Step 2.2

If your store is to be closed the whole day, tap on The store is completely off on this day.

Then tap on Submit.

Note: If you have made incorrect changes and would like to remove the changes made, please contact Vivify or your key account manager.

Step 3

Your Vivify customers will now be updated with the new operation hours via your page on the Vivify App.